Monday, November 16, 2009

Life's what you make it.... So let's make it rock!

Long time.... since I came in here!
So thought I could drop in a say a quick 'HI!'...
Lots are hapening in life now....
Lets talk about the best part... I've joined french class at Alliance Francaise! FINALLY!
I've always had an eye on that place since school( ofc, I always wondered how the name is supposed to be pronounced. Now I know!)...
But after school came the burdens of college and I never had time. I now do.
Lots of it.
Suddenly I'm all up for livng life.
I've always been different, in a weird way....
I dont like the world I live in. And by world, I mean the society.
Life is so monotonous... One day you're born. Then before you know whats what, they push you to school with the rest of the whiny kids. And unfortunately for me, I joined school when I was 2 1/2, coz both my parents were working. So I've always been the youngest in class. ALWAYS!
Then when you're just begining to get past the shock, make 'best friends' there come the public exams. All the exaggeration, all the pressure... phew!
Then you come to the last year of school. Which according to me is the best, and yet the worst!
On one hand you're trying to face the fact that tomorrow, you're out of this cozy place you made a home out of, out into the cold dark world. Then there's the cruelty of parting with friends. They've been your sisters for what, 12 years... and now suddenly, you've got to make 'plans' to meet them.
Finally, theres the part where you work your butt off trying to score higher in the board exams.
Talk about conflicting emotions! Yet, school was the best thing that ever happened to me!
But don't even get me started about college. Most people I know have had better fortune than I did. College was such hell for me, that I didn't even go for the convocation, which I hear is a big deal.
My parents were so mad with me.... But I didn't want to go at all. I'm not going back there... ever!

Finally, I'm on my feet, and I get to choose what I do. And I'm not going to work my butt off, stay home weekends watching TV, then drag myself to work Monday morning.
I will not live life like the others do.
We get just one shot at life, and from now on, I'm playing by my rules.
I made this list of things to do before I die.
Suddenly, I'm so aware of the fact that one day I'm gonna die. And when people come for my funeral, I dont want them at a loss of what to say about me. I dont want to be normal.
Live. Die. Be forgotten.
I wanna be different. I wanna be ME.

This phase between college and marriage, is really special. Coz, now you have no commitments. This time is all about you. I'm not gonna loose this. I dont want to wake up in bed when I'm 70 and wonder if I could have made life different. Coz life's what you make it. ok... I borrowed that from Hannah Montana.... but who's still true!

SO I'm ticking things off my list. And now that I've begun, not only does the list keep growing, time seems shorter.
I'm loving French class. After this language, there's Spanish and Japaneese to go.
Then I have to go bungee jumping from the highest platform in the world.
Then there's watching the Northern Lights in Norway. The Aurora Boreallis. I've always loved physics, and this is one physical phenomenon that I've always been fascinated with. I've got to witness it.
For those who don't know what that is, in brief, near the poles, North and South pole, the magnetic field come in contact with the atoms in the atmosphere. And for those who remember high school physics, electrons when energised, go up to the excited state, and when returning to the ground state, emit the energy they absorbed in the form of light. Now, each atom has a characteristic colour, and the result is, the sky is a canvas. Air moves, so the lights seem to dance. It's amazing! Watching it, will be like being bound by the most amazing spell ever.
Since the air around us, is 90% nitrogen, most of the northern lights show is green. Eerie, but magical...
I think everyone needs to see it. Makes you admire God's work. Reinstate that lost belief.

Well, thats just to name a few.
I'm loving life in a way that I can't explain.
I go to church every sunday, and I begin to pray for something, ask God for something to happen... But all I can say is 'Thanks!'.
That kind of fulfillment, is in explainable. I want nothing.
Except for finishing up that list, I have nothing more I want.
I am undoubtedly the happiest person alive.
I just wish everyone feels that way. That way, we wouldn't have to worry about the Armageddon. It'll be just another journey, long over due.

1 comment:

Harish Sreedharan said...

good read.Sure,It indles the thought in everyone.including me.Keep blogging :) We need to LIVE life.Live life the way we want to.
And the explanation for that aurora borealis part was "rocket science" :)