Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My new blog!

I've started a new blog, where I share my culinary experiences
it's on at http://loveisinmytummy.blogspot.com/

People fear cooking even before they've tried their hands at it.. I'm trying to change that... coz once you get your feet wet, it's a piece of cake! :)
If I can do it, and have so much fun, so can you...
And I want everyone to see how easy it is....
So take a peek into my new blog, every time you're faced with a ghost in your kitchen! (did NOT mean that literally)
I'll be writing about how I started cooking, share recipes that I learnt from my family, from TV shows, from books (with my own twist in it!).... I will also teach you how to cook from a different perspective... 'generalization'.

yummy yummy yummy... love is in my tummy!!!!  

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