Friday, June 27, 2008

Trip to the Andamans- day 4- 17th May

As i said, couldn't get up in the morning at all.. but today was one of the most important attractions, and i've been wanting to go there since we started planning this trip. Red Skin Island. it was part of the Mahatma Gandhi Marine National Park. and it was one of the best islands for coral sighting, and snorkeling. the weather was bright and sunny, making it perfect for dragged myself out of bed, and got dressed. we reached the place just in time. we took a half hour's ferry ride to the island. and from the ferry, a fibre glass motor boat took us to the shore. and before we got to the shore, we got to see corals through the fibre bottom of the boat. it was awesome. we missed seeing this back at North Bay Island, but the sun was shining, and the view of the ocean floor was crystal clear.

the colour of the water was proof to the marine life underneath. it was a beautiful blue- green.
it took me a while to convince my dad, to let me go into the water. he was worried that my fever would go worse, and even yet, that i might go snorkeling. well, i intended to anyway. and my dad wasnt sure how safe it was. i don't even know how to swim. well, i still went into the water. it was icy cold, against my feverish body. still i went in. now reef walking was prohibited. so those who can't swim, were supposed to hold on to a rope that took us into the deep waters, for support. this way, we can remain suspended in the water, hold on to the rope for safety and support.
we went in, and a lot of people had already begun to snorkel. although i was very brave, when i first set foot in the water, now that i've actually come to it, i got a little scared. so i nudged my bro to try it first. he put on the snorkeling gear, and for try outs, the guide, immersed my bro's head slightly into the water, so that he might get used to breathing with his mouth. bro was a little taken aback, got scared, when the water pressure, started hurting his ears.. and being startled, he drank a little sea water, and was out of breath. so he panicked and backed out. ok. now i was scared. but there was this girl next to me, in the water, who was telling her mom, that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. and this gave me back my lost courage. and i went for it. the guide put the gear on my. and when i say 'gear' it isnt to complex or anything.. it's just a pair of eye goggles,so you can see without salt water irritating your eye.. a nose block, so even if instinctively you should breathe through the nose, no water will get in.. and a tube for breathing through the mouth. this tube will always be out on the surface, for air. plus, we weren't going deep under water. we were just swimming on the surface of the water, and just immersing our head in to see the corals.
and although i too panicked with the difference in pressure under water.. i soon got used to it..
the view under water was amazing.. i saw shoals of fishes swim beneath me, colours that i cant even find on the color chart.. it was simply amazing, and no words can actually describe the sight, and do justice to the feeling. so i'll just leave it to you to try it out for yourselves.
well, i got back triumphantly, and earned the title of being the only one in my entire family to have done that.
the rest of the afternoon was spent in trying to dry out my clothes.. you see, i wasn't prepared to get into the water today, because of the fever. but after getting here, i couldn't hold back the excitement. so the jean i was wearing was completely wet. low waist again.
so i had to stand out in the sun, hoping that my jean would dry out. and the wet clothes won't help my fever at all..
after that, we ate our packed lunch. the island was very small. and there was nothing,no shops, not even drinking water to be found there. so we had our lunches packed from the restaurant.
plus, it was a national reserve. so no plastics and no littering either.
we ate. and explored the place a bit. it was so nice..
let me show you..

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