Saturday, May 5, 2007

Radio Mirchi!

my dream just came true this afternoon...thr was an add in the newspaper yesterday frm RADIO MIRCHI asking interested ppl to call and register in for RJ selections.i thot i mite giv it a shot,and called.after a long time got the line and got myself registered.i was asked to go to their office between 4 and 5 today dad dropped me and told me he'd stay with me incase it got too late.went in and the guy at the desk noted my name down.we were going to be called in the order we arrived in.i was asked to wait in a room that looked like it is usually used for board meeting and all..i know i've always wanted to be an RJ..more like my dream's the only job where u get to be famous and anonymous at the same,everyone in the city knows u,and yet u can go out and bargain at the vegetable stall like anyone else...that's my idea of fun....thr were a few people already seated,and at first i just dint know if they were the interviewers or interviewees like just went in and sat down.i know that i'm kinda comfortable with strangers,but i've never been so on my own like got a little edgy on that.then i guess i figured out they were just like me,and struck a conv.a guy had already finished and was talkin abt,so tried to find out how they were interviewed.we started talkin and one by one names were called and they left.i was left alone,and finally my name was called in too..and damn,just as usual,the watchman guy messed up my name and called me selementina.
i hate it wen anyone messes my name.well,i went into a room adjacent the one i was sitting in.thr was a middle aged smart guy sitting behind a neat glass table.i went in and said HI!...the rest was wasn't anything i expected.and i also know that it isn't always going to be this easy.
well...this is all i remember of it
Mr X:hi!
me: hi!
i went and sat down.dint even bother to ask if i can..mannerless dog i am...
gave him my resume
he looked into it for a sec and read out my name CORRECTLY.i already felt at home..
then he read my address and stopped at my mail id..
Mr X:what is this leyameera?
me: oh..those r my two most fav names:leya and meera
he now gave me this quizzical look
me: i am this biiiiig star wars fan and that is my fav character there
Mr X: but isnt it princess leia thr
boy!he knows abt the movie!yipee!
me: ya but it was too western,so i just modified the name to be more it's leya
Mr X: and wat abt meera?
me: that wud be my most favourite indian name.kinda like it a grandmom dint name me meera,so i jus thot i cud atleast name my ID thats abt my ID
he looked further into my resume and stopped at the languages known part..and read it back out to me
Mr X: my mother tongue is tamil and i'm fluent in english as well
i laughed a bit
me: i'm so sorry thr..wen they asked me to bring my resume along, i just dint know what details to put in,and a single paged resume wud hav been a pityful sight to c,so did all i cud to stretch it to 2 pages..sorry(with a sorry and funny face)
then he came to the blogging part
Mr X: wats this lunalilith?
me: luna means moon and lilith means of the put together it means moon of the night.i kinda liked the idea and so gave my blog that name.
Mr X:so what do u blog about..
me: about anything interesting that i come across interesting beggar or a little butterfly,anything that catches my attention,i'd like to post it.
Mr x:can u tell me something u've posted thr?
me:ya,i went for this IV,industrial visit,to ooty..
he asked me more abt it..
so thats kinda how the interview went on.. altho i had to make it really formal in putting into writing what exactly happened thr,it was totally like chatting with an old was completely informal and that made me really the end of it he told me he'd call me sometime nxt week for an audition.
really cool!

well..i really dont care even if i dont get called for auditions,but this itself has been an experience. i will never forget this interview.this marks the day i got out of my little cocoon.i actually took my first step towards getting what i wanted done.and i'm not stopping now.i've always wanted to be an RJ and i'm going to become matter how much it takes or how long it takes,i am determined.
i had fun today!